About Kennedy
Reporting Service

Kennedy Reporting Service has been the official reporting service for the Public Utility Commission of Texas since 1976. Aloma J. Kennedy incorporated the firm in 1979 and was the owner/operator for over 30 years. On May 1, 2010, the firm was acquired by Lorrie A. Schnoor. After 11 years Lorrie no longer had a desire to own the company but her reporting days are far from over. She will continue to work as a reporter for the firm, as that of Consulting Reporter, which means she will be available for any matters that may need reporting advise.

As of August 1, 2021, Amy Burt has become the owner and President of Kennedy Reporting Service. She brings over 30 years of experience handling client and production  matters for the firm. 

While Kennedy Reporting Service is best known for our extraordinary ability in covering hearings before the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and other state agencies before the State Office of Administrative Hearings. We cover hearings before the Railroad Commission of Texas. We also cover depositions of any subject matter.

For firms searching for a reporter to cover local depositions, we prefer “referrals” over “networking.” Your transcripts will be produced pursuant to the Uniform Format Manual required to be followed by all Texas reporters in Texas cases, and they will be sent to your client timely based on their preferences.

In keeping with Kennedy’s reputation with our clients, we are committed to uphold the quality and efficiency of our services and to give our clients “a Record of Excellence.”

Give us a call today for your deposition and hearing needs! We look forward to working with you!